Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: H2020
Call/Topic/Action: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2020, MSCA-COFUND-FP Fellowship Programme
Summary: The proposed MSCA COFUND FP “IberusExperience – International Fellowship Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence Campus Iberus” is promoted by Campus Iberus, a strategic partnership which brings together four high-profile research universities from four different regions along the Ebro valley in northeastern Spain: Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Universitat de Lleida and Universidad de la Rioja. IberusExperience tables a competitive and attractive research environment of inter-connected regions and universities, bringing together 4 recruiting universities and a total of 88 academic and non-academic partner organisations from 26 countries committed to host secondments and/or to offer trainings, networking events and others actions to enhance the career opportunities of the researchers.
IberusExperience will offer 11 positions for worldwide excellent Experienced Researchers (ER) who are willing to develop individual and free choice innovative research projects for a period of 36 months in any of the five areas of specialisation of Campus Iberus:
1) Agro-food & Nutrition;
2) Health Technologies;
3) Energy, Environment & Sustainability;
4) Social & Territorial Development;
5) Circular Bio-Economy.
The IberusExperience Programme is planned to start on July 2021 and last for 60 months. It involves one call for applicants and the evaluation of the research proposals by international independent experts. The recruitment of the 11 talented researchers is expected to be achieved before M18, i.e. November – December 2022. The programme is not just aimed at talent attraction but consolidation and retention. Researchers will have the opportunity to be extensively trained in research and transferable skills, such as Open Science, Communication & Public Engagement, Grant Writing, Project Management, Technology Transfer, IPR and Entrepreneurship, and consolidate their professional careers at the regions. Anchoring these highly skilled professionals will definitely boost the international dimension and competitiveness of Campus Iberus and surrounding R&I ecosystem.
Project ID: 101034288
Duration: 60 months
Start/End Dates: 01/07/2020-31/06/2025 Application Period: 01/10/2021-31/01/2022
Budget: 2.427.480 €
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: University of Zaragoza (ES), Public University of Navarra (ES), University of La Rioja (ES), University of Lleida (ES).
More information: https://www.iberusexperience.com/
Resolució per la qual s'actualitza la relació final dels candidats seleccionats del procés selectiu per a la contractació d'investigadors/es postdoctorals dins del programa Iberus Experiende Cofund (MSCA-COFUND), publicada el 9 de setembre de 2022
Llista definitiva de candidats admesos i exclosos, publicada el 24 de febrer de 2022
Llista provisional de candidats admesos i exclosos, publicada el 8 de febrer de 2022